Saturday, October 27, 2012

My brain is tired

Out of 11 beta-readers/CP's, I received feedback on the full story from 9 people, and one partial.

Pretty good, eh?

As of a couple minutes ago, I've completed all the changes brought up by everyone except the two members of my local writing group, and I've finished about half the things they commented on.

I've added 2,000 words to my file, and I'll probably add about another 1,000 before I'm done.

It's 4:17pm now and I've been working, on-and-off, since 9:30am.

Now I have to shower, change, and go hang out with a bunch of friends while trying not to sound/look like my brain has turned into a gooey, sticky, icky, oozy, melty mush. Which it has. I now have grey pudding between my ears.

Tomorrow I'm going to be exactly where I am right now: flat on the sofa, a fire blazing in the hearth, the dog sleeping on the other sofa, the cat on his cat-tree.

I am hoping to finish the brunt of my edits tomorrow, then rest my eyes for a day, then go back and pick over the entire story for small, annoying things like comma usage, repeated words, varying the way sentences/paragraphs start, etc.

How is everyone else spending their weekend? Hopefully with a lot more pre-Halloween fun than I am.


  1. I've been working on revisions this weekend as well, although I've not been quite as productive as you! Well done! (I'm going to blame it on the four kids running all around me. That's what I usually do.) ;)

    1. Hahahaha, I can only blame myself when I'm not productive :)

      ...Like, the Seahawks are playing Detroit right now, and I am itching to watch that game, and the dog wants to go to the dog park since it's been bucketing rain the past few days, and she's getting cabin-fever.

      Good luck on your revisions!

  2. Your brain feels like a taco with fries I don’t really do Halloween but I had an interesting chat with an 7 or 8 year old at the bus stop.

    1. Ha! Did you glean anything useful to use in your writing? ;)

  3. I'll be revising this weekend as well. Good luck to the both of us!

    1. Yes! Good luck!!

      ...though after getting home at 2:30am last night/this morning, so far I have been anything but productive. Was a fun night though :) Live music rocks.

  4. Replies
    1. Totally fine, I didn't even feel the earthquake, though some friends of ours downtown Vancouver (who live in a tall tower) felt it.

  5. glad you ok - figured you were. glean anything form the 8 year old? no - was just an amusement

    1. never know where inspiration will strike ;)


Type me out a line of Shakespeare or a line of nonsense. Dumb-blonde-jokes & Irish jokes will make me laugh myself silly :)