Monday, March 19, 2012

Yup, it's finally dead

Hard drive failure again... so, argh, I'm giving up and taking my laptop in today.

Incidentally, my favourite error message during the long, slow, week-long death was:

'The bless tool was unable to set the correct boot disk'

...and yes, it actually said that. I think an engineer somewhere didn't spell-check/edit properly ;)

Writing related news:

For the first time in nearly two months I opened my 'Brake Fluid' story and worked on it a little. I must thank Guille and Huntress again for tagging me 'cause that forced my brain back in that world, if only for a few minutes.

So thank you again, you two lovely ladies :)

Okay, technically I had the file open when I met with my writing group last weekend... but I really only deleted lines/words. The only new words were an extremely nerdy wine-related joke/misunderstanding which may be deleted at a later date 'cause I think I might be the only person who finds it funny.

Hopefully it won't take too long to get my laptop back.


  1. So sorry to hear about the computer troubles. That can really get one out of sorts! Good luck on revisiting your story.

    1. Yup, that's what I get for putting a whatever hard drive in my Mac laptop. But at least it was cheaper than upgrading the whole thing ;)

  2. *groan* Isn't technology wonderful? First it gives you so much, the ability to communicate and compose. Then BAM! it's all gone.

    I never thought computers could become the disposable razor of our household.

    1. Hahahahaha! Disposable razor, very true ;)

      Well, PC's maybe... if I hadn't put a bigger hard drive in my Mac laptop, I'm sure it would still be running fine. And I HAMMER my computers.

  3. Ref: 'The bless tool was unable to set the correct boot disk'

    Really? Um...I don't even know what to say about that. Sorry about the tech-fail with the laptop. Crossing fingers and toes that you can get things back up and running again.

    1. yup, it's a real thing :) I even Googled it 'cause I thought I wrote it down incorrectly...

      Basically, I had a cascading failure. One sector of the hd failed, then another, then another, and so on and so forth.

      Don't think I'll be buying another Toshiba hard drive...

  4. I will stop complaining about my missing J-key and my sticking spacebar now. You win! ;)

    1. Complain away! the key missing from a desktop keyboard, or a laptop keyboard?

  5. My laptop is dead. It would have cost $1500 to fix. Agh! Now I'm using the desktop. Sorry to hear about your computer problems.

    1. Sorry to hear about YOUR computer problems!!

      Since my hard drive was under warranty, all I have to pay for is the labour (thankfully), but since I live on an island, it takes forever to get parts here! If I still lived in Vancouver, I would have had it back Monday for sure

  6. i hate computer problems, they put a sour note on your whole day, especially when you're a writer...they're kind of essential to our profession.

    1. ...yup, especially since I can't read my own handwriting ;)

      It's a little funny and a little scary how reliant on technology we all are though. It's like the end of the world when we can't check email

  7. Rats. I'm sorry to hear this, hope you get back up and running soon.

  8. I can lend you my techie... productive week last week this one slow off the mark due to family issues

    1. Thanks, but I doubt he'd want to fly all the way out here ;)

      Have a wonderful weekend, Sue!


Type me out a line of Shakespeare or a line of nonsense. Dumb-blonde-jokes & Irish jokes will make me laugh myself silly :)