Thursday, September 19, 2013

Yargh, it be Talk like a Pirate Day

Yo ho ho, avast ye maties, hoist the Jolly Roger.

Today it be International Talk like a Pirate Day, the only day it be okay to refer to ye female friends as wenches and ye male pals as land-lubbers or scurvy scum.

Okay, that's about all the pirate talk I can muster... I better brush up.

Sorry I've been MIA, got hit with a wickedly awful cold at the tail end of the weekend and have been in bed most of the week nursing a fever & sneezing until my brains rattled.*

I'll be back tomorrow for Flash Fiction Friday.

* yes, this is an excellent time to make some dumb-blonde jokes ;)


  1. Trust me I understand being too sick to blog regularly. Glad you're back. International Talk like a Pirate Day sounds like fun.

    1. tis my second-favourite 'day' after Cat-Herding Day, which is celebrated December 15th in honour of the frustration of trying to manage impossible tasks ;)

  2. Ah shit - sorry about being sick. My body is still upset with all the paint crap

    1. Yup, tis is season... I just got over a cold, and woke up with a scratchy throat this morning...

  3. i couldn't help but read this with a pirate accent in my head. hope you get feeling better soon.

    1. Haha, honestly, I have a hard time mustering up pirate-speak, so I'm really glad you read the whole post with the accent ;)


Type me out a line of Shakespeare or a line of nonsense. Dumb-blonde-jokes & Irish jokes will make me laugh myself silly :)