Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wow, that's embarrassing

I finally had a chance to sit down and read/reply to comments from the last couple of days, and do you know what embarrassing thing I noticed?

...the writing voice in the last few posts isn't *mine*. It's my MC's.

Yup, I think I need a straight jacket and some meds.

I've had this happen before... where I'm so deep into a story that the mood/emotions/voice of the characters leach over into my way of speaking, but not quite as obviously as in the last few posts.

Please tell me I'm not crazy...

...or at least tell me where I can get some professional help ;)

Alright... it's time to attack those 23 reminder emails and gets-to-workin'


  1. LOLOL. At least you know that your writing is so awesome that it spills into everything else that you do. I think that the craziest authors are the best most talented ones.

    1. ...so, what you're saying is... indulge in my craziness?

      ...more than usual...?

  2. Ha! That's awesome. Work on that WIP while the voice is dominating your life. ;)

    1. Hahaha, I'm trying :)

      ...of those 23 reminder emails, I'm down to 9.

  3. Haha. That is awesome. Talk about getting into character :)

    1. Yeah, although what's even more embarrassing is that I have the sneaking suspicion that it also leached over into *real life*... which means I may have creeped out a couple people I spent 2 days with over the long weekend...


Type me out a line of Shakespeare or a line of nonsense. Dumb-blonde-jokes & Irish jokes will make me laugh myself silly :)